[Salon] Preparing for the phased implementation of Trump’s peace plan - JNS.org

Title: Preparing for the phased implementation of Trump’s peace plan - JNS.org
I came across the article at bottom here, from this which was sent earlier today:


Netanyahu's new spokesman openly advocates war crimes in Gaza -- the "voluntary" (meaning forced) deportation of Palestinians and the settlement of the occupied territory by Israelis.


Calling to Transfer Palestinians and Settle Gaza: Meet Netanyahu's New Spokesperson

Dr. Omer Dostri holds a PhD in Political Science and the belief that 'Israel must order the rapid establishment of Israeli settlements in many of the areas it occupies' in Gaza. In his new role, he will be responsible for the communications division of the Prime Minister's Office

All associated with the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security, another fascist group to keep an eye on, as can be seen above, and with Trump’s "Peace Plan!” Or to paraphrase Tacitus: “They make a Hell, and call it Peace.” 

Newsflash! https://www.breitbart.com/middle-east/2024/08/02/48-republican-senators-write-to-biden-lift-partial-arms-embargo-against-israel/
"Forty-eight members of the Republican Senate caucus signed a letter Friday to President Joe Biden demanding that he end a “partial arms embargo” against Israel, given the threats the U.S. ally is facing from Iran-backed terrorists."

This was shared earlier: 
The 1948 Irgun re-born?
Alastair Crooke,  8/5/24

"The signposts are there for all to read: The West – in deliberately overlooking such explicit markers – cannot then complain, or escape, the ensuing consequences.

"No, the ‘tin ear’ is not some new western derangement – a unique mass collapse of sanity – that we are living through. It is something worse: a return to a dogmatic, authoritarian version of truth which dissident physicist Eric Weinstein complains has (in the West) also destroyed true science – ignoring and silencing its most important dissident voices, whilst amply rewarding Science’s frauds.

"Consider: Prime Minister Netanyahu addressed the U.S. Congress on 24 July saying, in an unrelieved Manichaean mode, that the West is facing an “axis of evil” (Iran and allies), which the U.S. must join in destroying. It was a call to participate in civilisational war.

"His invitation was celebrated with 58 standing ovations from U.S. legislators.

With all but one Republican (Massie) the most crazed fanatics for Netanyahu (with most Democrats almost as bad)! Especially the “New Right” National Conservatives so celebrated and promoted by the “New Right” wing of the Quincy Institute and their partner, The American Conservative magazine, as was seen here first with soon to be NatCons Hemingay and Sharma (the even more fanatical, Israelo-Fascist supporters than “NeoCons" ever hoped to be!), to the best of my knowledge, with NatCons fabricating history throughout this: https://quincyinst.org/events/the-new-right-ukraine-marks-major-foreign-policy-shift-among-conservatives/

I have been a harsh critic of Trump, and Vance, and the right-revisionist New Right “historian journalists” falsifying history in “re-inventing” Trump and the “Tradtional Conservatives” claimed as his precursors, as “Right-wing Peaceniks, since he arrived on the scene with Mike Flynn in tow. With a one-time Israeli Settler incredibly declaring here back in about 2016 that Trump was the “anti-Neoconservative!” All I needed to know about Flynn was that he had just co-written a book with the virtually openly declared fascist, Michael Ledeen, and having that opinion confirmed by reading the rabidly pro-war, fascist screed they’d produced. And then Trump/Netanyahu sent Flynn on an errand to beseech the Russian UN Ambassador to veto a UN Resolution critical of Israel, which the Russian said “Nyet” to. But an episode which confirmed that Trump’s “Interests-based Foreign Policy for the Middle Class,” was entirely for the “interests” of the Netanyahu ruling Fascist Coalition governing Israel. Which the media stupidly or intentially mischaracterized as Trump acting as Putin’s Puppet, instead of denouncing Trump as “Netanyahu’s Knave!” 

Preparing for the phased implementation of Trump’s peace plan

It is the most realistic route towards “two states for two peoples,” in contradiction to earlier peace paradigms that were dictated by unrealistic Palestinian expectations.

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U.S. President Donald Trump delivers remarks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the details of the Trump administration’s Mideast peace plan on Jan. 28, 2020, in the East Room of the White House. Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead.

A first stage in the extension of Israeli law to parts of Judea and Samaria should focus on the Jordan Valley and areas in the Jerusalem envelope that are important for security reasons, such as Ma’ale Adumim and Gush Etzion. Applying Israeli law to these territories, which is a step beyond Israel’s current military control, is crucial. This move will launch implementation of the Trump plan and will convey—both domestically and abroad—Israel’s determination to retain territories that are important to its security and identity, with the support of the United States. The application of Israeli law in these areas would also remove from the agenda proposals for security arrangements in the territories that are of very questionable effectiveness.

Because the application of Israeli law is part of U.S. President Donald Trump’s Mideast plan, Israel’s national unity government should accept the plan in its entirety, including the requirement to enter negotiations regarding the establishment of a Palestinian state in the future. The Trump plan is the most realistic route for progress towards the goal of “two states for two peoples,” in contradiction to earlier peace paradigms that were dictated by unrealistic Palestinian expectations, and which therefore led to dead ends.

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Israeli policy ought to be grounded in a broad national consensus. Such a consensus exists with regard to the Jordan Valley as Israel’s eastern security border and with regard to the defense of Jerusalem. These were the positions held by Yigal Alon and Yitzhak Rabin of the Labor Party. A significant portion of the Israeli public is supportive of applying Israeli law to these areas while making territorial compromises elsewhere.

On this basis, Israel should assiduously make diplomatic efforts to diminish anticipated opposition to this Israeli move—first and foremost among U.S. Jews and Democrats, as well as in the international and even the Arab arena, which will help mitigate the expected angry Palestinian responses.

Required action by the Israeli government

• Legislation should be passed that applies Israeli law to the Jordan Valley, and to the areas of Ma’ale Adumim and Gush Etzion in the Jerusalem envelope.

• The government should declare that in the current circumstances it considers the Trump plan in its entirety to be the only way to reach an agreement regarding “two states for two peoples.”

• Certain measures, such as investment in infrastructure, should be taken to demonstrate to the Palestinians that there is a “diplomatic horizon” and concrete benefits in the Trump plan for them, should they be willing to move beyond their current refusals to engage in peacemaking.

• Israel should act assiduously and soon to explain its sovereignty declaration among many sectors in the United States, to garner understanding and support, even in circles that currently reject the idea, both among American Jewry and among friends of Israel within the Democratic Party.

• Israel should initiate discreet dialogue with Egypt and Jordan regarding the application of Israeli law and the advancement of the Trump plan. The ground must be prepared for a tough campaign in the European arena, including the enlisting of support from Israel’s strategic partners in the eastern Mediterranean and friends in central and eastern Europe. These diplomatic efforts should be accompanied by dialogue with the top political leadership of Europe as well as that of China, India, Russia, Brazil, Nigeria and the Gulf states.

• Israel must prepare for the possibility of a Palestinian appeal to the United Nations Security Council, this time on the basis of Chapter 7 of the U.N. Charter on “Threats to Peace” (which enables sanctions against an “aggressor”), and act in time to neutralize this by seeking a veto from not only by the United States but also support from the United Kingdom and some of the non-permanent member states.

• From a security perspective, Israel also must prepare for the possibility of violent or “popular” uprisings sparked by the Palestinian Authority.

Professor Efraim Inbar is president, and Col. (res.) Dr. Eran Lerman, is vice president, of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security (jiss.org.il).

This article is an executive summary of a policy paper available in Hebrew here and was first published by the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security. A complete English translation will be posted soon.

The opinions and facts presented in this article are those of the author, and neither JNS nor its partners assume any responsibility for them.


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